About Lisa
I have been a part of the alternative and complementary care before I received massage theraphy and holistic certifications.As a young child, I had chiropractic, massage, and nutritionals supplements. These were my regular routine and one could say I didn't know health to be any different. As life continued, I knew that I wanted to share and help people. I wanted to help people of all ages and walks of life to achieve their optimal health using natural solutions. I have continued to study and expand my knowledge over the years.
Education and Certification include:
Pennsylvania School of Muscle Therapy now known as Cortiva Institute.
- Corrective Medical Massage
-Musculo-Skeletal Dysfunction
-Trigger Point Techniques
-Infant Massage
-Reflexology level 1 and 2
Upper Ledger Institute
- Lymph Drainage level 1, 2, and 3.
-Craniosacral under Barry Gillespie
International Sports and Fitness Training Association
- Transition from Rehab to Fitness
-Kinesio Taping level 1, 2, and 3.
-Orthopedic Massage Techniques for the Cervical Pain
-Zero Balancing level 1, and 2.
Advanced Stretching classes
Children's yoga instructor level 1 and 2.
Lisa Young
Licensed Massage Therapist and Health Practitioner

© 2015 Massage Massage Massage.